10 Things You Need To Know About Attacking Technical Terrain

Published in the January 2019 Issue April 2019 Feature

6. The shorter track length you have, the more momentum you will need. Longer tracks are far more forgiving—but not a failsafe. 

7. Consider the slope and snow conditions when choosing a line. The steeper and deeper it is, the more momentum you will need. But it’s also easier to be in control as you have to maneuver through obstacles because gravity and snow are acting as a brake. Try and carry as much speed as you can. It is much easier to scrub speed than gain it while climbing a steep line. (This doesn’t necessarily apply to sidehilling. Often, going slower is the solution to better control on sidehill lines. We’re focusing on breaking through terrain pinch points or getting up steep climbs.)

8. Momentum is your best friend. It’s also insurance for unforeseen obstacles or when you misjudge the line. Don’t be scared of going too fast. Remember: you have the brakes, gravity, and soft snow to help you slow down in an instant if need be. 

9. The slower you go—or the less speed you carry into the climb—the more work the sled has to do. That usually causes the track to trench and the front end to come up, resulting in loss of control and drive. 

10. Becoming a better rider starts with confidence, no matter what skill level or sled you have. Momentum is the secret sauce. Once you are proficient with confidence, commitment and momentum, the sky is the limit. 

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