industry insider sylvain laflamme

Amsnow is now

Laflamme got in at the right time because Internet technology was really beginning to make it easier to advertise and create exposure all over the snow belt and even in Europe. Things went well for him from the beginning.

“I got the chance to be the Canadian race representative for a stud company and Dayco hired me to help them develop a belt for Ski-Doo, which we sell our own line of Laflamme Racing belts by Dayco, with all of our kits,” said Laflamme. His goal has always been to sell a kit that’s easy to install, easy to adjust, and gives a good improvement over stock. Simple goals with positive results, he knew that would sell.

Both AmSnow and Laflamme agree that with modern sleds, clutching is the best bang for the buck. We talk to Laflamme often and he is a success story. “Things are working out well as this is my full-time job, and I love every minute of it!” he said. “As much as the hours can be long, it makes things a bit easier for me as I ride A LOT of miles every winter, so I can see and feel the improvements. I think we have a good feeling for what the customers are looking for.”

After racing for 35+ years, Laflamme decided to try something different. “I had always wanted to try cross country racing, and in 2013, on the USCC East circuit, I tried it and immediately fell in love with that type of racing! To me, it is the most true, pure racing there is and more closely relates performance to consumer trail sleds than anything else.” And he has had good luck with cross country racing in New England (now RMR XC). If you are out there, you will notice that Laflamme is continuously testing and developing products for trail riders, and always on Ski-Doo!

Sylvain Laflamme is a great resource and doesn’t mind talking to people one-on-one. We admire that at AmSnow. “You never know where or how your snowmobile journey will go, but it’s been very enjoyable from day one, and I’m hoping and looking forward to many more years doing this job that I enjoy and appreciate so much.” Well said, Mr. Laflamme!

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